Lung Cancer Herbs
Lung cancer is one of the biggest killers in Cancer. The risk of lung cancer increases 10 to 40 times if you smoke.
Cells of all living organisms usually divide and grow in a controlled manner. Cancer causes this process to be lost. A lump or tumor, known as a primary tumor, may develop or spread and produce an intermediate tumor somewhere else in the body. This process is called metastasis. About 40,000 people in the UK die each year from lung cancer. It is the most common cancer in the UK and is a common cause of death. This cancer occurs in both sexes, both men and women, and it affects men more than women. In Malaysia, it is the most famous cancer.
Cigarette smoke is a leading cause of lung cancer. Non-smokers can also have lung cancer, but the risk of smokers is about 10 times greater than non-smokers and this will increase depending on the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
If you are a smoker who smokes more than 20 sticks a day, the risk of lung cancer is about 30 to 40 times higher than not smoking. The main reason for the huge increase in the disease is that over the past 50 years, the number of smokers has increased and the use of pesticides in the livestock industry has been included in the cigarette. This situation has led to the emergence of industrial production and tobacco marketing. The risk of lung cancer against ex-smokers is about the same as that of smokers in about 15 years.
Here got suggestion an alternative treatment for stop smoking with TheTole Acupuncture Kuala Lumpur The way of medication.